Category Archives: Wilhelm Rempel

What are the Stories?

When I first began to think about writing the Rempel family history and particularly about the life of my Grandpa, Wilhelm Rempel, I started to wonder about the stories that I knew and the memories that I was sure would come when I began to ask people about Grandpa and Grandma.
I asked myself, which stories were most prominent, which ones were told and retold? I also began to think about the significance of these family stories, how they give me a sense not only of who my grandparents and great, grandparents were but who I am.
I think these stories and the images they evoke in me are powerful. At the beginning of Chapter Four in my new book, Open Wide Your Heart, I have this quote from Ellen Goodman:
“What the next generation will value most is not what we owned, but evidence of who we were and the tales of how we lived. In the end, it’s the family stories that are worth the storage.”
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It’s at the Printers!

Open Wide Your Heart, my book about the Rempel side of the family is ready to be printed.  Any day now I expect to hear from McNally Robinson in Winnipeg to say that the book is available to be purchased from them.
For those of you that plan to be at the Rempel Reunion June 10-12th, you can get your copies from me there and even have them personally signed!!

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It has been a time consuming process but together with my sister/editor, Justine’s help, I think it should be a fine read.  I feel good about the stories I have discovered, the details that my uncles and aunts have filled in for me and the pictures I was able to add.

Watch this spot for more information!